Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lots of Awesome New Pictures!!!

Here are some more pictures! Please remember to keep them all in your prayers!!!  =) 
Brenda “smiling”! :) 
Leah and I driving: First time on the Ugandan roads! We made it, thank the Lord!
Trust covered in dirt! He played in this dirt pile for about a hour and was completely covered from head to toe! And might we mention that this was AFTER bathtime!
Brenda after bathtime –dressed in her cute bath towel! 
Leah and Brenda after bathtime! Auntie Leah does such a great job – and Brenda just loves her! They keep calling Leah her “mother” and everyone thinks they have the same eyes :)
Mark with Catherine and Nulu – so precious! Uncle Mark was making them giggle and giggle!
Brenda in her cute STRAWBERRY DRESS!!!! Future Washington Farms little helper??!!
Amy feeding Baby Moses on the bed right before bed time. – hence my hair tied up!
Moses with his eyes OPEN!!!! Please note – he does this a lot at NIGHT!  - ALL night!
Amy and Trust after morning dressing time – Catherine had the camera and was trying to take pictures! We actually made it IN this one! :)
Mark with new BABY GIFT!!!! She is 6 months old and so beautiful! And she loves to smile! So adorable! (we might get her to give Brenda smiling lessons!)
Anisha in her adorable watermelon dress! Still so sick with fever, but I got her medicine in her pretty fast and hopefully she’ll be fine soon. But this dress was one of my favorite donation clothes, and I couldn’t wait to see it on her!
Norah, Julia, and Loyce modeling their new “clothes”! Betty and I bought these at the market because we needed more RAGS! So the lady sold us t-shirts, and when we got back to Sonrise, the ladies put them on and started laughing and laughing!!! Betty called me in there because they were going crazy with these shirts! It was so cute, even though they knew they were rags :)
Amy with Anisha – after our trip to the clinic. Anisha has malaria and was flaming hot with fever. I bought pineapple at the market and she must have eaten 4 pieces – a girl after my own heart! :)
Leah and Amy – finally a picture together! We realized after having Betty take this one that we haven’t had very many – for some reason babies keep making it in all the pictures???!!
Baby GIFT!!!! Preciousness Abounding! :) 
Leah and Baby Gift: MOVIE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! Leah and Amy decided to have a movie night Wednesday night – at 10:30pm! Star Trek was delightfully entertaining and Leah hadn’t even seen it before, so it was extra fun :) We had 3 babies with us that night –Moses, Mark, and new Gift! But they did fairly well throughout the movie –only a few interruptions! Oh, and we also enjoyed a few M&M’s that somehow made it into our suitcases before we left :)
Amy and Baby Gift right before bed time! Thank you, Leah for this LOVELY photo of Mama Amy right before bed with her stylish hair-do :)


  1. What preciousness!!!!!!!Leah, love the Lady Dogs shirt! Thanks so much for the pics. Each one is so special in God's eyes! What a blessing to be a part of something so amazing. Each is God's favorite "Gift". What a name! I'm so glad to know you have some fun times planned, although it sounds like you are having fun each day. Love to all of you!

  2. Lan, the picture of you and Brenda is beyond precious! Melts your heart! All of these pictures are so great! (And way to represent the WLLDGang Lan! Woohoo!!) :) Love you all!

  3. ...and by the look on Lan's face while you were driving, should I assume that Ames was driving?! ;) So funny! I miss seeing these faces!

  4. thanks for the pics. everyone looks as cute as ever, and thanks for squeezing yourselves into a few as well. It can be hard to document a trip without just having pics of the cute babies. Love y'all!!!


  5. Leah, if Brenda loves YOU so much - I think it's a sign that you should just bring her on home : )

    The pics are adorable!! But Brenda needs to work on a more genuine smile....come on girls!

    Hooray for Gift!!! Precious! I'm so glad y'all could take her....

    Thanks for posting pics of Leah's face this time!

    LOVE Y'ALL!!!!

  6. Overwhelmed by the cuteness!!!!!January 28, 2010 at 11:05 AM

    I LOVE the pictures. absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Baby Gift is SO ADORABLE. and little Trust and Baby Brenda... oh and the picture of Baby Moses with his ADORABLE eyes wide open!!!! :) so precious!!!!
    and PRAISE THE GREAT LORD for keeping you safe in that car!!!! :P


  7. addicted to the cutenessJanuary 28, 2010 at 2:23 PM

    Ok, I have a problem...I'm addicted to these pictures...this is, no joke, probably the FOURTH time I've looked at these pictures in a time span of about 6 hours....I NEED HELP!!!!!!

    And Leah, the picture of you and Brenda is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! BRING HER HOME!!!!


  8. Taking babies to church is always an adventure. I admire your determination and your sense of humor in facing the needs of these babes while in public. Your ministry is such a blessing to follow. Keep smiling and posting the pictures of these precious babies.

  9. Baby Gift is so precious!!! She is such a beautiful little girl!! Thank you so much for the pictures! I love being able to SEE all that you all are doing and what the precious babies LOOK like!! Love you all =)

  10. Leah (this is from Kate)
    "The babies have good names Leah.

    Here is a poem:
    Roses are Red
    Violets are Blue
    this makes me think of you!!

    So, how ya doin'?
    Make sure you don't catch malaria.

    Let's have a party when you get back!
    The babies are so cute!

    The babies look really nice. I especially like Gift...
    I will be good while your gone.

    I will pray for the babies to get better.
    I love you!"


    Leah, Amy & Mark... we are praying for you guys! The babies are precious!!
    Love the pictures (so does Kate)
    Love you,
