Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Back again!

Well, the Lord has provided a way for me to travel to Uganda again this fall for a five week trip. It blows my mind that I am going twice in the same year! Most of you know my friend Amy Washington who is there now (she has been in Uganda since July). Her brother, Mark, who also traveled with Amy and I back in January, has been in Uganda since mid-September.
I leave Atlanta on November 10th with Amy and Mark's sister, Deanna. As a side-note we will be celebrating Thanksgiving in Uganda which will be fun. Amy has already started making a list of what we need to bring with us to make that happen...stovetop stuffing, sweet potatoes for sweet potato crunch, chocolate chips (we'll just eat these plain I'm sure).
It will be an adventure this trip because we aren't really sure all that we'll be doing. It will be great to see familiar faces as well as meet some new ones. I ask for lots of prayers for this trip. I don't want to be sick again, but know that I can handle it if I do. I'll post more soon. Thanks for keeping up with my travels!