1. Marabou Stork - these guys are about 4 feet tall and linger all in the city especially around trash piles. They are disguisting to me! And then they will nest in trees, but they look so heavy that it seems as though the tree is going to break. Yeah, NOT looking forward to these!
2. Chicken on a Stick - my Mom thinks this is gross and it probably is if you think about it, so I just don't think about it! The road-side vendors will run up to your car along the highway if you dare to stop and they sell all kinds of things like roasted bananas, water, drinks, and this delicious chicken on a stick that has been roasted over a fire with lots of salt to flavor it. Just don't think about the lack of sanitation! Can't WAIT to have a taste of this deliciousness!
3. Chicken and Chips - is exactly what it sounds like. Fried chicken and french fries. We will usually eat this at restaurants!! Healthy I know! But it usually will come with some sort of vegetable mixture similar to slaw. So I'll eat that!!
4. Bodas - this is a very common form of transportation. I kind of have mixed feelings about this one though. It is so fun to ride, but I know it isn't the safest form. Let's just say I pray a LOT on these things!!
5. AMY!!!! - super excited about seeing my friend who has been gone since July 12th. We will celebrate Thanksgiving together in Uganda!!! super thrilled for this one : )
6. Hand Sanitizer - although I know this stuff is good I get really sick of using it EVERY DAY for EVERYTHING. To not even be able to wash your hands in the sink...not good. By the end of my trip last time my hands were peeling from using this stuff. I'll be taking lotion along this time!
7. MARY BETH!!! - okay so this doesn't have much to do with Uganda, but I'm putting it anyway. On the flight home from Uganda we are getting to meet up with my sister who has also been absent from my life (at least in body) since July 12. Can we say...Christmas Party anyone??
8. Mosquito Nets - I know how important these things are, but they are STIFLING!!! Imagine with me being up in the middle of the night feeding a hungry baby and sweat dripping off of you because there is no breeze. DRIPPING I SAID!! Don't worry though...I'll be sure to tuck it in around me each night for bed.
Well that's all for now folks! Not even sure if anyone is even reading this thing so far ahead of my trip. In exactly 7 weeks though I will be on Ugandan soil...super thrilled about that one!!